Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving


We are here, because people gave. They felt a connection to the Unity teachings and wanted to ensure that Unity of Chattanooga continues to have the ability to be able to share these life-changing principles to those who would come later.

A charitable bequest is a way you can leave a gift to Unity of Chattanooga that will make a lasting impact. You may wish to leave a legacy by including Unity in your estate planning – for example, by making a bequest in your will or by designating Unity of Chattanooga as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or your insurance policy, or even a gift of property. In addition, legacy giving often provides you and/or your estate with tax savings.  Below are a few simple ways to create your legacy gift.


Wills or Living Trusts
A gift in your will or living trust is called a “charitable bequest” and it offers you major benefits. It’s flexible because you are not actually making a gift until after your lifetime, and you can change your mind at any time. You can structure the bequest to leave a specific item or amount of money or leave a percentage of your estate to Unity of Chattanooga. If your estate is subject to estate tax, your gift is entitled to an estate tax charitable deduction for the full value of the gift.


Retirement Assets
Consider leaving a portion of your retirement plan assets to Unity of Chattanooga. If you are 70 1/2 years of age and must make an RMD, consider a direct transfer from your taxable retirement funds account to Unity of Chattanooga.  This is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) and this amount of the RMD will not be included in taxable income. 


Life Insurance
You can name Unity of Chattanooga as the beneficiary or transfer ownership of your life insurance policy to the church.


Gifts of Securities and Property
Gifts of securities and property are always welcome.  In addition, giving a gift of stock that has increased in value may provide greater tax benefits than giving cash. Making a gift of appreciated stock that you have owned for more than one year may result in significant tax savings.  By donating the stock directly to Unity, you are not subject to capital gains tax on the appreciation, yet the tax-deductible gift amount is the fair market value of the stock.  This also applies to mutual funds and bonds. If you would like more information on how to transfer a gift of stock, please contact your financial advisor and or stockbroker.

The church also accepts donations of real and personal property — houses, land, cars, boats, etc. Consult your financial advisor or attorney for tax advice and information regarding your specific situation.


Monetary gifts to honor your loved one given to Unity of Chattanooga is a meaningful and lasting tribute to continue supporting the work of our mission.


IMPORTANT: Please be sure to consult with your own attorney or tax adviser before making any bequests to Unity of Chattanooga. They are in the best position to assess your personal situation, provide guidance, and ensure compliance with all state and federal requirements.  Call the church office at 423-755-7990 for further information.


When you leave a legacy, you ensure that this community will be here for future generations to come.

We are so grateful for every gift we receive.