Senior Minister 

We are currently without a senior minister. After we finish making the renovations to bring our newly acquired church facility to code, the Board will start a ministerial search with Unity Worldwide Headquarters. In the meantime we are bringing in a variety of qualified speakers who have inspirational New Thought messages to share.

Rev Fayann Schmidt, LUT
Associate and Pastoral Care Minister

Fayann has always had a great love for nature as well as spirituality. For a long time, she had dreamed about becoming a Unity Minister. She started on that journey by first receiving a certificate as a Licensed Unity Teacher in December of 2007. Next she applied to become a minister at the Unity Urban School of Ministry and is now a Licensed Unity Minister.  Fayann was Ordained in June of 2018. Her most important qualification is that she likes working with people of different faiths to help bring about more peace and understanding of each other. She is currently taking a leave of absence to care for her mother in Florida and returns to speak several times a year.

Meet Your Board of Trustees:

 Amanda Adamson - Board President

Kelly Thompson - Board Vice President

Eric Miller - Board Treasurer

Laura Noyes - Board Treasurer

Mona Petro - Member-at-Large

Gary Butler - Member-at-Large